Monday 17 February 2014

Monday February 17th

75.3kg . . . gone back up again!


Forgot to take a photo, it was 2 boiled egg with kale, garlic & spring onions that had been sautéed in some olive oil.


Bad photo day for me! After the 12:30 DK session I wasn't that hungry, so had one of the protein shakes for lunch.

I also wanted a light lunch since we have friends coming for dinner, so I knew a bigger evening meal than normal was ahead.


At home, I made some polenta 'chips', and had them with a gorgeous steak & this really yummy slaw.

For the polenta chips I made a firm polenta (1 cup polenta, 4 cups water) and stirred it for 40 minutes, basically non-stop. This is food you have to work for! When its cooked you put it into a baking tray & let it cool & set.

When its set you slice it into 'chips', then pop them under the grill for 10 minutes each side.

I wasn't good with the photos last night, here is one of the meat at the butcher, the slaw, and the type of polenta I used:

Our friends brought a bottle of French Champagne, and a Spanish Red. I had one sip (yes, sip) of each.

The boys all went to Messina after dinner to get some ice-cream. I walked with them, but didn't get anything for myself. I did have 1 spoonful of Pat's ice-cream, but this is a 'Messina spoon' that they give you in the store, like the kind you got in a sherbert packet as a kid. Maybe measures out at half a metric teaspoon.


Around 1.6 litres.


I had 1 slice of a french stick with a dab of duck rillet on it (brought by our friends).

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