Wednesday 26 February 2014

Wednesday February 26th

75.1 kg! I am stuck at 75kg, and seemingly can't break through into the 74kg's! Grrrr!


Today it was 2 slices of gluten free soy & linseed bread (from Helgas! It was really good, though the slices are pre-cut so on the small side, unlike the loaf from the bakery, but thats probably not a bad thing!) with 2 boiled eggs. Yum!


I had an impromptu business meeting at a nearby restaurant. I had a mixed plate (rather than gnocchi, it was quite a limited menu) which was made up of a few slices of prosciutto, some buffalo mozzarella (the proper good stuff), some grilled brocollini & 3 small potato croquettes (they were each about the size of a cherry). I also had a glass of white wine.


I had some of the leftover curry. I lightly sautéed a whole bundle of kale, then added the curry to it, so we got a good serving of greens. I had it with a small amount of the brown rice.

I wasn't particularly hungry, but I am going to the gym early tomorrow morning, and if I skip dinner the night before it never works out very well. As you can see from the picture my serve was 70% kale!


I had around 1.5 litres of water.



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